近日,“漫画腰挑战”突然在微博、朋友圈风靡。参与者模仿漫画中的动作,腿放在椅子上,上半身趴在地,这动作对腰部的考验极高,需要向后折叠近90度…… 在明星接连发出挑战成功的图片后,网友也纷纷效仿,大秀身材,相关话题阅读过亿。 "The comic waist challenge", in which netizens try to mimic a comic character's pose with their legs on a chair and the upper body dropping to the ground, almost bending the waist in half, has become the latest fad to hit China's social media. The topic has garnered hundreds of millions views on Weibo, with many net users posting photos of the challenging pose to show how sexy and flexible they are. 医生科普:小心腰椎退变 对于网友纷纷效仿的“漫画腰”,@丁香医生在咨询了骨科医生孙悦礼后表示: 这个动作其实是种“腰椎过伸”姿势,虽然属于静态,不像突然受到外界暴力那么容易引起椎间关节滑脱。 但这类慢速拉伸的腰椎过伸姿势,却更容易引起肌肉的持续拉拽而引起拉伤,从长远看也会增加腰椎退变的风险。 这个动作,能不做最好还是不做。 Medical experts have warned net users of the seemingly harmless yoga pose, as it may lead to damage to one's vertebrae by causing muscle strain and increasing the risk of lumbar degenerative disease. 不过,也有网友表示,这就是瑜伽的一种伸展姿势。 于是有人问医生,是不是瑜伽动作都很危险?孙医生也给出回应: 在评论区,不少网友表示,这种无聊挑战终于被打脸! 不要尝试!腰要紧! 与其跟风凹个“漫画腰”,屏幕前的你不如收下这些活动腰椎的小动作来拉伸一下你的腰部: 当然,久坐人群需要的不仅仅是上面几个动作。春天来了,放下手机,走向户外,拥抱自然,强身健体。 以瘦为美?做你自己! 其实近年来,似乎每隔一段时间,都会出现一个关于身材的挑战,比如A4腰挑战、反手摸肚脐挑战、锁骨放硬币挑战等等。许多网友表示,这类挑战正制造着中国女孩们的身材焦虑。 The new challenge followed a series of similar controversial Chinese body image trends including the A4 waist challenge (measuring women's waists against a piece of A4 paper which is 21 centimeters wide), the belly button challenge (reaching one's belly button from behind), and the coin collarbone (balancing coins on people's collarbones for as long as they can) which faced heavy criticism worldwide on social media. 最先发起“A4腰挑战”的袁姗姗 资料图 很长一段时间里,“以瘦为美”都是不少中国女性追求的目标,而有时这样的目标却会使女性走向极端,并对她们的健康和自尊造成影响。 Women in China have long associated being beautiful with being skinny, but a desire to be thin is often taken to the extreme, with detrimental effects on health and self-esteem – a situation not unique to China. 尽管上述话题层出不穷,但大家对这类挑战的态度正在悄然发生改变,拒绝身材焦虑绝不仅是喊几句口号。 有外媒观察到,如今,对一些中国女性来说,去健身房的初衷已改变,减重不再是她们的首要目标,健康的体魄和良好的精神面貌正成为许多人的新追求。 Many workout-obsessed women are increasingly realizing that no matter how hard they try, they won’t be supermodels, and acknowledging that physiques can vary due to a number of factors. This is an important step on their path to self-acceptance. 许多热衷于健身的女性越发意识到,不管自己多努力,都不会成为超模,个人体形因人而异,是由很多因素决定的。这是她们在自我认可的道路上迈出的重要一步。 For many, the goal of losing weight has transformed into the desire to be the best and healthiest version of themselves. 对于许多人来说,减肥的目的已转变为对成为“最好的自己”的渴望。 爱美之心人皆有之,而最美的样子是成为更好的自己,与你的每一面都和平共处。 来源:中国青年报 丁香医生 人民网 环球时报 微博 CNN