神秘学(英语:Occult)指超自然的形而上学,亦即有关神秘力量的学问。 指研究“秘密知识”或是“隐瞒起来的知识”的学问。
One 1870 text explains that this "idea would also seem to be an occult remnant of the old notion that the glove might conceal a weapon."
①以-ee结尾,读音为/!>?/的词汇:appellee chimpanzee conferee contestee decree drawee evacuee em-ployee goatee grandee guarantee indictee inductee
②以-act结尾,读音为/$kt/的词汇,多为动词:contact contract detract distract exact enact intact interact
③-air,-aire或-are结尾,读音为/#+/的词汇:affair concessionaire enclair millionaire aware prepare
④以-ade结尾,读音为/eid/的词汇:arcade brigade colonnade escalade escapade(exception:decade)
⑤以-ane结尾,读音为/ein/的词汇:inane insane profane humane
⑥以-ceive结尾,读音为/s!>?v/的动词:conceive deceive perceive receive
⑦以-duce结尾,读音为/dj(>?s/的词汇:conduce deduce induce introduce reduce reproduce subduce traduceseduce
⑧以-ease结尾,读音为/!>?s/或/!>?z/的词汇:appease decease decrease disease increase predecease release sub-lease surcease
⑨以-een结尾,读音为/!>?n/的名词:colleen canteen pretteen Salween shagreen thirteen spalpeenvelevteen yestreen
⑩以-eer结尾,读音为/i+/的名词:cannoneer compeer domineer engineer fronteer gadgeteer gazetterpamphleteer patrioteer
(11)以-ect结尾,读音为/ekt/的动词:affect bisect collect defect direct detect correct confect connectdisinfect eject elect
(12)以-ede结尾,读音为d/的动词:accede antecede concede impede intercede precede recede retrocedesecede supercede
(13)以-end结尾,读音为/end/的动词:attend amend commend comprehend contend defend depend extendintend represend subtend
(14)以-el结尾,读音为/el/的词汇:compel impel Nobel marcel propel rebel(v.)
的词汇:assert concert convert desert introvert subvert
的词汇:Chinese Japanese Napalese sudanese telegraphese vietnamese
(17)以-clude结尾,的动词:conclude exclude include occlude preclude seclude
(18)以-esce结尾,读音为/es/的词汇:coalesce deliquesce effloresce evanesce recrudesce
(19)以-ess结尾,读音为/es/的动词:compress confess depress express impress profess redress represssuppress transgress若不是动词,以-ess结尾,的词汇之重音位置不固定:'progress 'congress pro'cess un'less
(20)以-est结尾,读音为/est/的动词:adjest congest contest digest infest protest suggest
(21)以-ette结尾,读音为/et/的词汇:cassette cigarette brunette coquette chemisette forssette frisettegazette grisette
(22)以-form结尾的动词:conform perform reform transform(但uniform是名词)
(23)以-ict结尾,读音为/ikt/的动词:afflict conflict constrict contradict inflict predict restric
(24)以-ide结尾,读音为/aid/的词汇:aside astride beside confide divide provide reside subside
(25)以-ign结尾,读音为/ain/的动词:assign condign design consign resign
(26)以-ire结尾,读音为/ai+/的动词:conspire esquire expire desire inquire inspire require respire
(27)以-lapse结尾,读音为/l$ps/的词汇:collapse prolapse relapse
(28)以-mit结尾,读音为/mit/的词汇:admit commit demit emit intermit omit permit pretermit remitsubmit transmit(若是名词,重音落在首音节,如:'limit 'summit 'vomit)
(29)以-ort结尾的动词:disport distort escort export import report retort support trans-port(若是名词,重音多落在首音节:escort export import bistort purport等。)
(30)以-ore结尾词汇:afore before deplore explore restore
(31)以-pose结尾,读音为/p+us/、/p+uz/的动词:depose decompose expose impose interpose oppose indispose predis-pose propose suppose
(32)以-scribe结尾,读音为/skraib/的词汇:conscribe describe escribe prescribe subscribe transcribe
(33)以-scend结尾,读音为/send/的词汇:ascend condescend descend transcend
(34)以-oon结尾的词汇:afternoon balloon buffoon cartoon cocoon decocoon dragoon festoongalloon octoroon pocaroon(exception:forenoon)
(35)以-que结尾,读音为/k/的词汇:antique boutique blottesque burlesque arabesque cacique critiquegrotesque Japanesque mystique
(36)以-r结尾,现在分词和过去分词均要双写r(-red,-ring):demur incur inter infer occur prefer recur refer transfer
(37)以-uct结尾,读音为/)kt/的词汇:conduct construct deduct instruct obstruct product
(38)以-ult结尾的词汇:consult exult insult occult midcult result
(39)以-ume结尾的词汇:assume consume perfume presume subsume
(40)以-use结尾的词汇:accuse confuse excuse perfuse refuse suffuse transfuse
(41)以-ure结尾,读音为/ju+/的词汇:accure impure immure insecure insure inure mature obscure per-dure procure secure(exceptions:'epicure 'manicure)
①以-ial结尾,读音为/+l/、/i+l/或/j+l/的词汇:/+l/:confidential decrial existential impartial inferential inffluentialinitial prejudicial sacrificial substantial/i+l/:authorial bimestrial colloquial gressorial material mercurialministerial motorial pictorial prefatorial tectorial visitorial/j+l/:antimonial bicentennial colonial
②以-ian结尾,读音为/+n/、/i+n/、/j+n/的词汇:/+n/:academician arithmetician acoustician electrician Eurasian Lin-guistician musician Persian politician practician/i+n/、/j+n/:Cantabrigian collegian Colombian historian rosarian salu-tatorian subclavian
③以-ia结尾,读音为/i+/的词汇:国名、地名:Australia Ethiopia Indonesia Malaysia Mauritania Roma-nia医学:abulia achromatopsia acidemia acrophobia aerophobia bilharziainsomnia其他:academia acedia cryptomeria razzia encyclopedia
④以-ic结尾,读音为/ik/偶或包括以-ics结尾的词汇:atomatic atmospheric autarkic autographic ballistic climatic cosmeticenteric epidemic
⑤以-ior结尾,读音为/i+/的词汇,形容词居多:inferior junior posterior prior senior superior ulterior
⑥以-it结尾,读音为/it/的词汇:cohabit demerit discredit discomfit decrepit deposit explicit dispiritdisinherit inspirit inherit inhabit inhibit reposit transit visit
⑦以-scence(n.)或-scent(adj)结尾:acescence acquiescence deliquescence convalescence evanescence obso-lescence reminiscence renascence decrescent marcescent pubescent re-crudescent quiescent resipiscent suffrutescent
⑧以-ion或-sion结尾:accusaion abolition confusion explosion decision impression persua-sion excitation suggestion invitation
①以-fy结尾,读音为/fai/的动词:acidify identify intensify emulsify lapidify personify qualify modifyprettify simplify transmogrify
②以-ical结尾,读音为/ik+l/的词汇:academical chemical electrical political periodical encyclical teleologi-cal inimical theoretical technological
③以-icide结尾,读音为/isaid/的词汇:suicide aborticide acaricide foeticide fratricide herbicide infanticideliberticide uxoricide
④以-itude结尾的词汇:attitude decrepitude infinitude lassitude latitude platitude
⑤以-ity结尾,读音为/iti/的词汇:ability curiosity civility facility fragility opportunity personalitypossibility sensitivity simplicity speciality utility vanity whimsicality
⑥以-graph或-phy结尾的词汇:aerography bibliography biography calligraphy chirography geographylexicography photography planography telegraphy theosophy philosophy
⑦以-ology结尾的词汇:aerology bibliology bryology crytology ecology Egyptology lexicologytechnology pestology psychology testaceology teleology theology zoology
⑧以-otomy结尾的词汇:neurotomy tenotomy tracheotomy trichotomy
⑨以-ular结尾,读音为/jul+/的词汇:biangular binocular consular insular intercelluar ocular orbicularpopular particular secular regular triangular
4.词汇加了前缀后的重读位置①重读落在第一音节的词汇,加前缀后,重读位置不变:'dazzle—be'dazzle 'operate—co'operate'force—en'force 'logical—il'logical'literate—il'literate 'constant—in'constant②重读落在第二音节的词汇,加前缀后,原重读位置不受影响,但前缀的字母组合作为一个音节可重读或次重读:pro'duce—'repro'duce'graduate—'post'graduate'national—'inter'nationalim'pressionism—'neo-imp'ressionism(the only exception:'finite—'infinie)
二、简析部分从语言学的角度来分析,英语的词重音(word stress)的位置是不固定的。英语与某些别的语言不同,例如:法语词汇的重音总是在词的末音节上;与法语相反的是捷克语,它的重音总是落在词的首音节上,而波兰语却独特一些,重音位置总是落在词汇的倒数第二个音节上,因此,这些语言的重音称为固定重音(fixed stress),而英语和俄语的重音则是自由重音(free stress)。英语本身吸收并借用了大量的外来语(loan words),以历史语言学或词源学(etymology)的观点来剖析,就不难解释为什么英语重音属于自由重音这一现象。例如:以-ion和-ic结尾的英语词汇重音往往落在倒数第二个音节上,而-ion和-ic结尾的字母组合则源于拉丁语。以-ee结尾的英语词汇重音总是落在末音节上,若追溯它的同源词(cognate),我们可以看到-ee这一后缀源于Middle English的-e,而-e又来源于Middle French的-é,若再追本溯源,乃是来自于Old French的-é。再考察以-ette后缀结尾的词汇,-ette后缀也是经历了从Old French到Middle French再到Middle English这一相似的演变过程,直至现在,仍然保留了法语的重音特征,与现代法语的词重音总是落在末音节这一规律完全吻合。
安娜贝尔则是一个恶魔的玩偶,是恶灵的附身,也是一部恐怖电影的名称。《安娜贝尔》电影讲述了一个美丽的古董娃娃被约翰当做礼物送给他的未婚妻米娅,米娅对这个娃娃的喜爱并没有太久,后来在一个夜晚,约翰家遭到邪教的入侵,他们还将一个恶灵导入古董娃娃中。而在现实中,安娜贝尔是一个死去的女孩,民间传说中,说她附身在娃娃身上,因此它也被认为是世界十大灵异娃娃之一,后来它的主人将这个娃娃送到由鬼神学家Ed和Lorraine夫妇建立的Warren Occult 博物馆里保存。
from the same principles, I now demonstrate the frame of the System of the World.
Principia Mathematica.
Hypotheses non fingo.
I feign no hypotheses.
Principia Mathematica.
To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one man or even for any one age. `Tis much better to do a little with certainty, and leave the rest for others that come after you, than to explain all things.
Quoted in G Simmons Calculus Gems (New York 1992).
The description of right lines and circles, upon which geometry is founded, belongs to mechanics. Geometry does not teach us to draw these lines, but requires them to be drawn.
Principia Mathematica.
The latest authors, like the most ancient, strove to subordinate the phenomena of nature to the laws of mathematics.
[His epitaph:]
Who, by vigor of mind almost divine, the motions and figures of the planets, the paths of comets, and the tides of the seas first demonstrated.
If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants.
Letter to Robert Hooke
I know not what I appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell, whilest the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
Quoted in D Brewster, Memoirs of Newton
Numero pondere et mensura Deus omnia condidit
God created everything by number, weight and measure.
I will not define time, space, place and motion, as being well known to all.
Principia Mathematica
I have not been able to discover the cause of those properties of gravity from phenomena, and I frame no hypotheses; for whatever is not deduced from the phenomena is to be called a hypothesis, and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, whether of occult qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental philosophy.
Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.
Are not gross bodies and light convertible into one another; and may not bodies receive much of their activity from the particles of light which enter into their composition? The changing of bodies into light, and light into bodies, is very conformable to the course of Nature, which seems delighted with transmutations.
In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence.
Quoted in Des MacHale, Wisdom (London, 2002).
One 1870 text explains that this "idea would also seem to be an occult remnant of the old notion that the glove might conceal a weapon."