宗晓军,国内演员,出演近百部影视作品。一直都因演绎各种各样的小人物,而被观众熟知和喜爱,其塑造的人物也给观众留下了深刻的影响。被观众誉为“甘草演员” 。 宗晓军对于自己被誉为“甘草演员”的称呼,感到十分欣
Zong Xiaojun was born on October 11, 1981.
Zong Xiaojun, a domestic actor, has starred in nearly 100 film and television works. Has been because of the performance of a variety of small people, and the audience is familiar with and and loved, its characterization has also left a profound impact on the audience. The audience is known as "Licorice actor." Zong Xiaojun is very pleased to be known as "Licorice actor".慰。
热拼音为rè ,基本含义是温度高,可引申为喧闹,热闹,情意深厚,很受人关注或欢迎的等意思。出自《素问·五常变大论》等。
⑴ (形声。繁体字从埶(yì),从火,埶亦声。"埶"意为"在高土上晒球丸"。"火"指"加温"。"火"与"埶"联合起来表示"在高原上给物体全面加温"。本义:在接近太阳的地方边转动物体边加温。转义:物体温度高)。
⑵ 同本义。跟"冷"相对 [hot]
⑶ 又如:热天;热釜(热锅);热浪;炽热;滚热;火热
⑷ 满腔热情;热心肠 [enthusiastic]。如 :热莽(热蟒。感情狂热得不能自制);热气换冷气(好心没好报);热合(热心)
⑸ 有权势的,权势显赫的 [with power and influence]。如:热官(权势显赫的官吏);热势(显赫的权势);热撮撮(威势显赫貌);热地(比喻权势显赫的地方)
⑹ 形容羡慕至极 [envious]。如:热眼(热切的目光);热念(热切的愿望)
⑺ 新;新近 [new]。如:热话(方言。新的话题);热尸(刚死的人的尸体。指新近去世者)
⑻ 情意深厚 [ardent;profound]。如:热手辣的(依依不舍);热腹(热心肠);热语(热情、亲昵的话语)
⑼ 喧闹;热闹 [noisy]。如:热乱(胡闹;纷乱);热嘈嘈(形容热闹嘈杂);热闹场(热闹的场所)
⑽ 亲热 [intimate]。如:热乱(亲密,亲热);热火(亲热);热落(亲热);热熟(亲热);热嘴(口头上的亲热);热络(亲热;热和)
⑾ 很受人关注或欢迎的 [be acceptable;be well received]。如:热门货;热门
玄秘塔是中国古代秘密组织的总部,强调修炼心性和掌握玄妙技巧。下面是玄秘塔的全文及译文:玄秘塔塔深处,玄妙无边心性修炼,让我超越凡尘迷雾笼罩,弱不禁风求玄妙之道,是我愿望的雄登临巅峰,照见更高境界专注修行,得到心灵的自由神秘技巧,带给我力量江湖中,吾将无敌的闪烁天地相连,自由的飞翔掌握玄妙,创造属于我自己的光芒玄秘塔,我奋发向前修心养性,成就我独一无二的存在译文:The Tower of MysteriesAt the depths of the tower, boundless mysteries unfoldCultivating the heart, I transcend the mundane worldEnveloped in mist, fragile as breezeSeeking the path of the profound, my desires are resoluteAscending to the summit, glimpsing higher realmsDedicating myself to practice, attaining the liberation of the soulMysterious techniques bestow upon me powerIn the world of rivers and lakes, I shall shine invinciblyBound by the heavens and earth, freely I soarMastering the profound, creating my own brillianceTower of Mysteries, I strive forward with ardorNurturing the heart, I fulfill my unique existence.
1. The book left me feeling deeply moved and introspective.
2. The ending of the story left me with a bittersweet feeling that lingered for days.
3. The book was so captivating that I found myself lost in its world for hours.
4. The story was so heartbreaking that I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
5. The book was incredibly thought-provoking and left me pondering its themes for days.
6. The story was so uplifting that it left me feeling inspired and motivated.
7. The book was so immersive that I felt like I was living the story alongside the characters.
8. The story was so suspenseful that I couldn't put the book down until I finished it.
9. The book was so beautifully written that I found myself savoring every sentence.
10. The story was so thoughtfully crafted that it stayed with me long after I finished reading it.
高的近义词有: 远 、 长、挺、突、拔。
1、 远
(2)〈形〉长久;长远 [long]。
(3)〈形〉高远;远大 [bright;lofty;ambitious]。
(4)多。指差距大 [numerous;distant]。
(5)〈形〉深远;深奥 [deep;profound]。
(6)〈动〉离开;避开 [leave;depart from;avoid;evade]。
(2) 时间久 [of long duration;lasting]。
(3)优;是;正确 [fine;good;right]。
(4)长久;永远 [permanent]。
(5)辈分大;居高位者 [senior]。
(2)生出;生长 [grow]。
(3)使身体处于直立状态 [stick out(a part of the body)]。
(4)杰出;特出 [outstanding]。
(5)顶住,抵抗 [resist]。
(2)狗从穴中突然而出 [dog run out suddenly]。
(4) 触犯 [offend]。
(5) 忽然;猝然[suddenly]。
(2)选拔;提拔 [promote]。
(3)脱身;脱离,摆脱 [escape from]。
(4)把东西放在凉水里使它变凉 [cool in water]。
(5)吸出 [毒气等] [draw out]。