last chaos,网易我的世界比起原来的多玩我的世界哪个更好玩?
在你游玩网易我的世界的时候,请务必阅读以下真实Minecraft现状中国Minecraft(我的世界)玩家 请将网页下拉至中文,国外网站加载可能偏慢,请耐心等待文末拥有对应的图片、截图,有图有真相,不服来辩
Written in front: All of the following words come from Chinese translation may be wrong, please understand, thank you. Hello, MOJANG team, of the current situation, you have the responsibility to manage, please read carefully, thank youI am glad to write this letter to you and feel lucky that you can see it.I come from China, a loyal regular player. I have some suggestions for you about Minecraft.I can also remember the fun I had from Minecraft. I've been attracted to this game from the first cube, the first craft item, the first online game. Openness, freedom, and creativity of Minecraft are unprecedented, this is why it will be the most fun game in the world. In China's game market, some companies set up many fee-paying projects, what’s more, this projects are expensive. Minecraft just like a clear spring in the China's game market, it has no extra charge. It has an offline and official online, this is not limited to the players' economic conditions.Last year represented the game, called Chinese Edition, but this was not any Minecraft player wants. This game to be Chinese, add a variety of charge, it means stripping away the essence of the game. On August 8, 2017, Minecraft Edition was officially open, but the response was unsatisfactory. In the BBS of , about 90 percent of negative comments came in. The author of the Forge, denounced 's behavior of Ignoring the copyright. game department never respected any developer. More importantly, the free MOD on the network is added to the China Edition box to collect fees (). Not even the author's information. There were tens of thousands of players to against . From how I used to make a skin/MOD/resourcepacks bag to how I can buy a skin/MOD/resourcepacks, it was very ridiculous. The server of Minecraft, limited each player break to 20 block, if you want more, then you buy VIP. Is this allowed by EULA? A large number of Chinese players use Hack to fight against Just as far as I know, there are no fewer than 40 QQ groups (40group*2000=80000 chinese players) while is powerless. The new player will be completely distorted by the Minecraft Edition, so that new players can not recognize the real Minecraft .In the NetEase shelves MinecraftEdition for mobile devices is less than half a month, the NetEase already can not wait to start to change MCPE to Chinese type, such as App Store recharge single full 1500CNY receive a copy of Lego toys, is really ridiculous, why would 45CNY the game, has now started to become 1500CNY now get a gift package? What about the future? 998CNY buying diamonds? 100CNY recharge beacon for the first time? Or draw to get the SSR level (top goods NetEase owned a high consumption of pet game)? Are you kidding me? So we can think about that doesn't understand what a player needs. doesn't know how to make a good game. Not to mention how to represent Minecraft. That will make the game of Minecraft lose original purpose. On behalf of all of you and myself, appeal against the dealership of of Minecraft. so Minecraft will be destroyed in the hands of .:Netease 网易公司: Chinese legal currency(CNY)
网易让所有正版玩家失望NTES makes all bought minecraft gamers disappointed中国不需要网易代理MinecraftChina never needs the China Edition of Minecraft请给中国一个与世界一样的MinecraftPlease give Chinese players the same Minecraft as the world
Screenshot(very important)Please see Annex
relevant URL information:
China NetEase agent edition of MC will damage is China all kinds of present / future developers *NetEase monopolizes China's MC, in addition to NetEase server, this will really make MC become a net game in china, Unable to add MOD, unable to upload its own skin, limited to NetEase commercial server, cannot create server by itself, It can be used in any third party online / offline server, all of this is only for the interests of the NetEase. Is this NetEase's "China MC"? It's ridiculous Rental server is limited, and charging unreasonable, unable to upload plug-ins, not to mention what the brain hole original gameplay plug-in and so on, Completely changed the nature of the game. **请拒绝网易我的世界
网易代理中国版MC最大损害的是中国所有的各类现在/未来的开发者 网易垄断了中国MC,除了官方运营的服务器,这将真把MC在中国变成一款网游, 无法自主添加MOD、无法上传自己的皮肤、受限于官方商业服务器、无法自主开服上传插件/MOD、 更不能进入任何第三方正版/离线服务器,这一切只有对于网易的利益。 这还是网易所说的原汁原味吗?实在是太可笑了 租赁服受限极多,并且收费不合理,不能上传插件,更别谈什么脑洞原创玩法插件等等, 自主开服将无法引入新玩家,完全改变了这款游戏本质。*
网易垄断国内MC情况下,直接导致的后果就是国际版将没有新玩家,所以国际版在国内死亡 只是时间问题,一些第三方各类服务器更是走投无路最终关服, 网易相当于一个牢笼,将中国玩家抓到里面,玩家没有任何选择权, 所有的一切都要进过网易的"中国式净化",这是一个大公司的作风?这是这是玩家所愿意的? 自从网易代理后,MINECRAFT在中国的玩家 急剧下降,这还是在网易买了众多推广位的情况下!
相信如果你是忠实的MC玩家都会发现,如国服Hypixel 从8月15号的3.3W人掉到现在国庆长假最高峰也不过2.6W 直到现在11月中旬,周末高峰也仅仅2.3W,除Hypixel外网易其他服务器也一直在掉人数, 国内各类开发者的第三方服务器更不用说了,从几千掉到几百再到几十最后关服, 现在国内至少50%的第三方服务器都已经关服或者即将关服, 网易到底是在做什么?这不是摆明了在磨灭这款游戏吗? Minecraft在中国已经不是一款能自主开发创造的游戏,而是官方网游! 直到有一天,你们不再知道组件就是MOD,更以为 各种各样的组件 是 由'开花组'制作的, 更不知道各类资源是可以自行制作的。注意:目前来看,网易似乎不把要点放在精心制作Minecraft中国版上,而是进行玩家引流玩家引流:将Minecraft的玩家转移到自己旗下公司的其他产品上,如网易近期推出的终结者、荒野行动手游等
如果你问:流失的原因不是因为外挂太多吗? 请你知道 流失的是整个MINECRAFT玩家, 包括小游戏、生存、MOD 各种各样,无论网易/第三方也好 其次网易根本没有能力去制止外挂,发布会承诺一句话也没兑现!
最可怕的还是 现在居然有人会问:如果不让网易代理,那给谁代理? 您知道MC在2017年8月8日前的样子吗?您知道国际版页面吗? 您知道MC是可以通过购买正版账号自定义上传皮肤的吗?
对于口碑而言。话不多说,自己下载网易我的世界盒子 随便打开个服务器/资源点评论区 看看所有玩家对于网易的评价是如何的(下方有截图), 网易MC论坛就不用看了,网易会审核,一切说他坏话的全部删掉,并且连删帖提示都没,你都搞不清楚是怎么回事。 为什么这么多人抵制网易?为什么这么多人会在网易使用外挂,而不在国际版服务器?为什么以前从来没听说过抵制国际版MC?就是因为网易已经实现了垄断,已经很难玩到国际版MC,强制将玩家引入中国版,这是我们所愿意的?难道还真的正常玩下去?
你可能会问,为什么把这篇文章放到国外的Github网站,而不是国内呢? 因为网易在国内强大的公关收买力量会将网上对它造成负面影响的东西都给"和谐"了
(网易:龙腾盛世服务器) 关于下届挖方块收费,当时是提示只能挖20个方块,如需挖更多请开通VIP: 你或许又问了:这是第三方服务器,他不代表网易! 这个问题很搞笑,你觉得随随便便就能把服务器入驻网易的吗? 中国几千几万的第三方服务器,为什么只有几个入驻了网易? 因为这是通过了网易的'精心挑选,符合条件'
负面评论,删删删! —— 网易
大家都知道,网易盒子评论100条 其中95条都是负面评论, 而不少评论,你可能隔天来看下,发现 奇迹般的消失了! 网易使用了 名为:'死不要脸,皮厚无比'的法术 在网易盒子目前是没有评论审核的,在他的论坛是无法发表负面内容的,因为你根本不会被通过审核。 即使通过了,网易发现 '唉不对劲';立马删帖,并且连删帖提示都没,直接跳转主页面,来无影去无踪。 不信的话可以自己试试哦 还有更多类似的抵制评论,但绝大部分都被网易删除了
I guarantee the authenticity of all of the aboveYou can go to out the following thousands of negative comments from Chinese players to see if NetEase are eligible for agency.The content may be changed, I will send again Sincerely Yours, millions of Minecraft player from china
注:一些人可能会问 绿宝石不是免费的吗?但是 如果本来可以直接下载的MOD,到这里需要你去获得绿宝石才能下载,觉得这个公平吗?更何况绿宝石可以用钻石转换,也就是收费充值
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Invoker! 祈求者!Glorious invocation! 荣耀的祈祷。What joy it is beholding me! 吾已现世,普天同庆!Thus I invoke myself! 如吾所祈,吾身圣临So begins a new age of knowledge 如此开启知识的纪元。一血:First blood, as indeed I am first in everything. 第一滴血,吾乃万事之先。移动时:Nigh unto death! 死亡已近。Athwart my path. 挡路者死。Ill luck upon you. 你的运气不好。Fight me! 来战!You dare fight me? 谁敢来战?harken unto me. 留心吧。Knowledge is power! 知识就是力量!The learned one strikes. 智者先攻。Who threatens my concentration? 何人扰我?I'll not be interrupted. 无人能扰。An honor to fight me. 与我一战,三生有幸。释放技能:元素祈唤One of my favorites. 我的绝技之一。Spherical sorcery! 三球法术!Behold! 看招!A rich tradition. 源远流长。Drawn from deep within. 汲取元素的精髓From the great mystery. 来自于伟大的奥秘。A spell I well remember. 倒背如流的咒语。True Arcanery thrives! 真之奥术永世传承。Plucked from the Arcanery. 取自奥术宝典。My mind is my Arcanery. 吾心即为奥术宝典。An incantation long remembered. 滚瓜烂熟的咒语。A charming hex. 迷人的魔咒。Enlightenment stands ready! 世人快准备接受启示!Words of power. 力量的咒语。Witness true sorcery! 见识真正的法术吧!Augury abounds. 满目先兆。Arcana known only to me! 真知奥秘,唯我知晓!急速冷却Cold snap! 急速冷却!Quas Trionis! 三重冰!Quas Frigoris! 三重冻!Sadron's Protracted Frisson! 塞卓昂的无尽战栗。Learn how fragile you are! 认清自己的脆弱!电磁脉冲EMP! 电磁脉冲!Extractive Mana Pulse! 魔法精华脉冲!Wex Trionis! 三重雷!Wex magnelectros! 雷磁暴!Shimare's Extractive Pulse! 席美尔的精华脉冲!Endoleon's Malevolent Perturbation! 恩多利昂的恶之混动。Traitorous sorcery. 消魔大法。Wrung out like a desiccated rag. 拧得如同干布。Thoroughly extracted. 彻底消魔。Your well has run dry. 你的生命之泉已经干涸了。混沌陨石Chaos meteor! 混沌陨石!Exort Wex Exort! 火,雷,火!Voidal Pyroclasm! 来自虚空的火焰撞击。Tarak's Descent of Fire! 塔拉克的天坠之火。A celestial inferno! 天降炼狱!Gallaron's Abysal Carnesphere! 加拉隆的深渊之核。Behold the meatball! 陨石天临,尔等看好阳炎冲击施放时:Sun strike! 阳炎冲击!Exort Trionis! 三重火!Exort Tri-Solar! 三阳之炎!Harlek's Incantation of Incineration! 哈雷克之火葬魔咒。击中后:The skies set you aflame! 天空将你点燃!熔炉精灵Forge spirit! 熔炉精灵!Exort Quas Exort! 火,冰,火!Grief Elementals! 元素之哀伤!Culween's Most Cunning Fabrications! 卡尔维因的至邪产物!Ravagers of Armor and Will! 坚甲与意志的摧毁者!An ally from naught! 无中生有的援军!寒冰之墙Ice Wall! 寒冰之墙!Quas Quas Exort! 冰,冰,火!Bitter Rampart! 极寒壁垒!Killing Wall of Koryx! 科瑞克斯的杀戮之墙。The harsh White Waste beckons. 严酷的白色荒野在召唤!超震声波Deafening blast! 超震声波Quas Wex Exort! 冰,雷,火!Tri-orbant blast! 三重元素攻击!Stupefactive Trio! 三体合一攻击!Buluphont's Aureal Incapacitator! 布鲁冯特之无力声波。Sonic boom! 声波爆轰!幽灵漫步Ghost walk! 幽灵漫步!Quas Wex Quas! 冰,雷,冰!Myrault's Hinder-Gast! 米瑞特之阻碍。Geist of Lethargy! 生魂散尽!I slip from sight. 遁去吾形。强袭飓风Tornado! 强袭飓风!Wex Quas Wex! 雷,冰,雷!Wex cyclonus! 雷之风暴!Claws of Tornarus! 托纳鲁斯之爪。My foes aloft. 吾之大敌,皆浮于空重复施放元素祈唤This spell works nowise! 此法术无效。This magic卍isappoints. 这个魔法令人失望。My memory fails me. 记忆有误Did I miscast? 念错咒语了?My concentration--shattered! 我的注意力……分散了!Did I mix my magics? 咒语记混了吗Words fail me? 咒语无效?Ruinous, ill-fated spell. 真是浪费,被诅咒的法术。Perturbations! 心神不宁Lamentable! 可悲至极Infelicitous! 出师不利!The errant cosmos works against me! 苍天愚弄我!No matter. 没有关系!升级时:Oh, they'll rue the day they crossed me! 他们会后悔与我作对。With unerring proficiency! 招无虚发。The profundities are mine to ransack! 深奥之境由我探寻。My totality eclipses the cosm 吾之存在,超越万物I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance. 在那黑色的无知之海上,吾乃闪耀的知识灯塔= =||Cause for my enemies to dwell on me exclusively! 吾之所向,皆闻风丧胆,其缘于此!Vital attainment! 重要的知识。Englightenment is mine! 我已接受启示!The bliss of comprehension! 领悟的赐福。Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Ha ha ha ha ha ha hm hm hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha mu ho ha ha ha ha ha ha.击杀敌人:Did I hear a squeak? 那是哀嚎吗?I must have stepped on something. 我肯定踩到了什么东西。Whatever that was, twas scarcely worth my notice. 何物都不值得我驻足。Whosoever stands against me, stands briefly. 挡我者不能长久。Fools die卆s you well know. 愚民必死……你心知肚明。Give it not a second thought. 毫无生还机会。Mark these words: they're the last you'll hear. 记下我的咒语,因为你不会听到下一次了。Your ignorance ensured your demise. 无知是你的致命伤。You'd have done better to clothe yourself in knowledge, for all the good your scraps of armor did you. 武装自己的应该是知识,而不是一身废铜烂铁。You die as you lived: insipid and ignorant. 就像活着的时候那样,你死得无趣而又无知。You were no match for my powers. But then, who is? 你不是我的对手。话说回来,谁是呢?Like a match already dim and damp, your mind snuffs out. 火柴燃尽,意志熄灭。I outlive another. 又有人比我先死。he he he he he he he.ha ha ha ha ha.he he ha ha ha ha ha.ha ha ha ha.ha ha ha.uh ha ha ha ha.正补:Insipid. 无趣。I've forgotten you already. 你不配让我记住。Peculiar. 真奇怪。Gold for little toil. 付出就有回报。Such abnegation. 壮烈的牺牲。Profitable engagement. 买卖划算。Well gotten gains. 收获颇丰。A small annihilation. 横扫千军。As I will. 如我所愿。So mote it be. 真少。反补:Denied! 反补成功。Denied! 反补成功。All things fall. 一切都会尘埃落定的。Short-sighted of you. 鼠目寸光。No. 不。Methinks you wanted that. 我知道你想要。Demised. 死亡。Tis nuncupatory! 告诉我你的遗嘱吧。It's all the same to me. 对我来说都一样。Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Ho ha ha ha ha ha ha.死亡时:No! 不!Darkness and ignorance take you all! 愿黑暗与无知吞噬你们!My magics die with me. 我的魔法将会殉葬。An end to ages of learning. 知识纪元的终结。The archives of time are lost with me. 时间的档案与我一同失落。Outside my mind, nothing is real. 脑海之外万物皆为虚幻。 (= =你是老庄?)All that matters, perishes with me. 所有重要的东西都随我一同逝去了。Forget me not! 勿忘我!Dead loss. 得不偿失。The final tabulation. 最后的组合。Put me out of your mind. 让我忘掉自己。买活时:Remember me, for I will remember you! 记住我,因为我会记得你。Death is but a lapse in my concentration? 死亡只不过是我稍微分散了一下注意力。重生I return with nary a mark upon me. 我又回来了,连一点印记都没留下。I remember now what I was about. 我记得我是做什么的。I shall be mindful, make no mistake. 我必须更加小心,不能犯任何错误。Recalled from the yonside of death. 从死亡的彼端应召唤而归来。The universe was not the same without me. 宇宙因我而不同。With my return, the cosmos is restored. 自我归来,宇宙也复原。All knowledge is parallel. 所有的知识都是平行的。A line without beginning, a line without end. 一条直线没有开始,也没有结束。From the source of self-knowledge, the well of creation, I return. 从自我知识的源头,创世之泉中,我又回归了。Knowing me knowing you. 知己……知彼。罕见:All can be known, and known by me. 一切皆可知,我知一切。The universe depends on what I can remember of it. 我思故我在。From the first point was begat a line. From this line was begat a world. And that first point was one I made. 化点为线,具线成世界,初始之点由我所造。获得物品:I will commit this to memory. 我将此物献于记忆。With mind alone, I have made this a reality. 仅凭意志我就将此物化作现实。Aeons I have waited, and saved, for this. 千载之等待只为此物。Blink dagger! 闪烁匕首!Dagger of the mind. 意念之匕首!Ah, scepter! 啊,神杖!Ancient scepter. 远古神杖。Scythe of Vyse! 邪恶镰刀!Heart of Tarrasque! 恐鳌之心。Boots of Travel! 远行鞋!Shiva's Guard! 希瓦的守护!Bloodstone! 血精石!Veil of Discord! 纷争面纱!Linkin's Sphere! 林肯法球!Another Sphere! 另一个法球。Immortality! 不朽之守护!For ages more! 再活五百年.获得符文:I will recall you at a later point. 片刻后再行祈唤。I will think upon this for a time. 给我点时间想想。Be mindful of your purpose. 请注意你的使命。激活符文:Haste! 急速!Still, not as swift as the speed of my thoughts. 还是不如我的思维快。Double damage! 双倍伤害!Redoubled concentration. 双重的专注,双倍的伤害。Regeneration! 恢复!Vitality, like my knowledge, a well that never empties. 生命力就像是我的知识一样,是一眼永不干涸的泉水。Illusion! 幻象!I'm betwixt myself. 跻身自我。Invisibility! 隐身!What need have I for this? 我要这个有什么用?I have orbs for this. 已经有三球技能了。胜利:Yes! 好的!Victory! 胜利!I have rendered it thus with my will alone! 我仅靠意志就造就了这场胜利。失败:No! 不!Defeated! 我们失败了!My mind卽nravels! 我的意志解体了。嘲讽:It falls to me to inform you that this one is in the bag! 现在该我来告诉你们,此战稳操胜券了。Shitty wizard! 傻瓜魔导师。Crummy wizard! 可怜的魔导师。
乱停乱放[例句]而随着私人汽车数量的迅速增加,车辆乱停乱放的现象非常普遍,居住区内的居民居住环境和出行环境及安全受到了非常大的影响。重点词汇释义:chaos 英['keɪɒs] 美['keɪɑ:s] n. 混乱,紊乱; (天地未出现的) 浑沌世界; 〈古〉无底深渊; 一团糟; [例句]The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night昨晚世界第一届跨大西洋热气球比赛在一片混乱中收场。
A Viking We Shall Go 维京风暴! A Warm and Familiar Place 竞争上岗 Adventures of Jared Haret 胜利逃亡 All for One 臣服 And One for All 一统江山 Arrogance 傲气冲天 Ascension 即位 Back For Revenge 卷土重来 Barbarian Breakout 野蛮人的攻击 Battle of the Sexes 阴阳争霸 Brave New World 奇迹时代 Buried Treasure 藏宝 Carpe Diem 及时行乐 Caught in the Middle 左右为难 Chasing a Dream 出人头地 Crimson and Clover 深红的苜蓿 Darwin's Prize 龙争虎斗 Dawn of War 战争黎明 Dead and Buried 死人和被埋葬的人 Deluge 洪水滔天 Divided Loyalties 分裂 Dragon Orb 龙珠 Dragon Pass 龙族宝藏 Dungeon Keeper 恶魔城主 Dwarven Gold 矮人宝藏 Dwarven Tunnels 秘密隧道 Elbow Room 拥挤的世界 Emerald Isles 翡翠岛 Faeries 精灵 For Sale 倾家荡产 Fort Noxis 围城 Free for All 混战 Freedom 独立 Gelea's Champions 勇者之路 Goblins in the Pantry 任人宰割 Golems Aplenty 千军万马 Good to Go 好好干 Good Witch, Bad Witch 水火不容 Gorlam's Tentacle Swampland 荒原苍茫 Hatchet Axe and Saw 逐“木”之战 Heroes of Might not Magic 英雄气短 Hoard 兵来将挡 Hold the middle 坚持到底 Irrational Hostility 征服者 Island King 骨肉相残 Island of Fire 火岛 Islands and Caves 岛屿与洞穴 Jihad 战争风暴 Judgement Day 审判之日 Just A Visit 真命天子 Key to Victory 取胜的关键 King of Pain 丧心病狂 Kingdom for sale 购买领土 Knee Deep in the Dead 救世主 Knight of Darkness 黑暗骑士 Land of Titans 泰坦大陆 Last Chance 殊死一搏 Loss of Innocence 和平的希望 Manifest Destiny 宿命 Marshland Menace 远古封印 Meeting in Muzgob 乱世英雄 Merchant Princes 尔虞我诈 Middletown 中心城 Monk's Retreat 负隅顽抗 Noahs Ark 诺亚方舟 Overthrow Thy Neighbors 好事多磨 Pandora's Box 潘多拉之盒 Peaceful Ending 重归于好 Peacemaker 和事佬 Pestilence Lake 归隐田园 Pirates 海盗! Race for Ardintinny 争夺阿第尼城 Race for the Town 比武招亲 Ready or Not 一触即发 Realm of Chaos 混乱的国土 Rebellion 反叛 Reclamation 重归故土 Rediscovery 征战不休 Resource War 各取所需 Rise of the Phoenix 凤凰涅磐 Rumble in the Bogs 沼泽地里的声音 Sands of Blood 碧血黄沙 Sangraal's Thief 妙手空空 Search for the Grail 搜寻神器 Serpents Treasure 毒蛇的财宝 Shadow Valleys 瓮中捉鳖 South of Hell 地狱恶魔 Southern Cross 越过南海 Step by Step 步步紧逼 Tale of two lands 野心之战 Terrible Rumor 谣言惑众 The Battle of Daeyan's Ford 惊天一战 The Challenge 放手一搏 The Five Rings 五环之战 The Gauntlet 考验 The Great Race 生死时速 The Mandate of Heaven 天堂之令 The Newcomers 寸土必争 Thousand Islands 千岛之战 Time's Up 英雄本色 Titans Winter 泰坦的冬天 Too Many Monsters 兽性大发 Tovar's Fortress 海盗的财宝 Treasure Hunt 争夺矿产 Twins 双胞胎 Undead Unrest 消灭亡灵 Unexpected Inheritance 继承人 Unholy Quest 可怕的远征 Valleys of War 远征 Vial of Life 生命之瓶 War of the Mighty 先发制人 Warlords 群雄逐鹿 Warmongers 战争贩子 When Dragons Clash 龙族的纷争 Wings of War 战争之翼 Xathras Prize 泽沙思的悬赏
(出场00) You want a piece of me, boy?想要我的一部分吗,小子?
(闲聊00) We go move! 我们走吧!
(闲聊01) Are you gonna give me orders? 你是不是想给我发命令?
(闲聊02) Oh my god! He's whacked! 我的天,他困了!
(闲聊03) I vote we frag this commander. 我建议我们干掉这个指挥官。
(闲聊04) How do I get out of this chicken (BEEP) outfit?! 我怎么才能从这个垃圾盔甲中出来?
(闲聊05) You want a piece of me, boy? 想要我的一部分吗,小子?
(闲聊06) If it weren't for these damned neural implants you'd be a smoldering crater by now! 如果不是因为这个混账的心灵灌输,我早把你变成弹坑
(Sti00) Ahh...That's the stuff! 啊,就是它
(Sti01) Ahh...Yea! 啊,耶!
(选择00) Commander. 老大!
(选择01) Standing' by. 待命中
(选择02) Checked up and good to go. 检查完毕,准备动身
(选择03) Give me something to shoot. 给我一个活靶子
(行动00) Go! Go! Go!
(行动01) Let's move! 大家前进吧
(行动02) Outstanding! 非常明智!
(行动03) Rock 'n roll! 一起摇滚吧!
(出场00) Need a light? 需要打火机吗?
(闲聊00) Is something burning? 有烧着了的东西吗?
(闲聊01) Haha, that's what I thought. 哈哈,正如我想。
(闲聊02) I love the smell of napalm. 我喜欢汽油的味道!
(闲聊03) Nothing like a good smoke! 没有比抽烟更好的事了。
(闲聊04) Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue? 你是否正在盼望我请你去吃烤肉?
(闲聊05) Got any questions about propane? 对丙烷有什么不懂的吗?
(闲聊06) Or, propane accessories? 噢,喷火的工具!
(选择00) Fire it up! 把它点着!
(选择01) 行动? 是?
(选择02) You got my attention. 你已经引起我注意了
(选择03) Wanna turn up the heat? 想把温度升高?
(行动00) Naturally. 很自然
(行动01) Slamming! 打击!
(行动02) You've got it. 你已经得到它了
(行动03) Let's burn. 让我们燃烧吧
(出场00) Somebody called for an exterminator? 有人正在找害虫终结者吗?
(闲聊00) You called down the thunder. 你把雷电招下来了
(闲聊01) Now reap the whirlwind. 现在我们来获得一点旋风!
(闲聊02) Keep it up! I dare ya. 准备好,我要向你挑战!
(闲聊03) I'm about to overload my aggression inhibitors. 我可能要多打点镇定剂
(选择00) Ghost reporting. 特种兵报告
(选择01) I'm here. 我在这里
(选择02) Finally! 终于!
(选择03) Call the shot. 下命令射击吧
(行动00) I hear that. 我听到它了
(行动01) I'm gone. 我已经出发了
(行动02) Never know what hit em. 从来就不知道要有多少进攻
(行动03) I'm all over it. 我已经超过它了
(出场00) All right, bring it on! 好啦,把它放下吧
(闲聊00) Something you wanted? 你想要什么吗?
(闲聊01) I don't have time to f(BEEP)around! 我没时间瞎弄!
(闲聊02) You keep pushing it boy. 小子,你一直在推它
(闲聊03) And I'll scrap you along with the aliens! 我想跟异形们一起把你撕碎!
(选择00) What do YOU want? 你想干嘛?
(选择01) Yeah? 是!
(选择02) I read ya, SIR. 我知道啦,老大!
(选择03) Something' on your mind? 你想什么哪?
(行动00) Yeah, I'm going. 是,进发中!
(行动01) I dig. 我想挖洞
(行动02) No problem! 没问题
(行动03) Oh, is that it?哦,是这个吗?
(出场00) Goliath online. Goliath 准备完毕
(闲聊00) MilSpec ED-209 online. 军用 ED-209 准备完毕
(闲聊01) Checklist protocol initiated. 开始协议
(闲聊02) Primary ? Level one diagnostic... 初级?诊断为一级
(闲聊03) USDA Selected. USDA 被选择
(闲聊04) FDIC approved. FDIC 通过核准
(闲聊05) Checklist Completed. SOB. 名单准备完毕
(选择00) Go ahead Tac-Com. 正在前进,指挥部
(选择01) Com-link online. 指挥部完成连接
(选择02) Channel open. 打开这个频道
(选择03) Systems functional. 系统功能
(行动00) Acknowledged HQ. 明白,指挥部
(行动01) Nav-com locked. 锁定海军指挥部
(行动02) Confirmed. 确认
(行动03) Target designated. 选定目标
Siege Tank
(出场00) Ready to roll out! 准备出场
(闲聊01) I'm about to drop the hammer! 我可能要扔锤子了
(闲聊02) And dispense some indiscriminate justice! 然后来一次审判
(闲聊03) What is your major malfunction? 你的主要故障是什么?
(tra00) (切换为坦克)
(tra01) (切换为座地炮)
(选择00) 行动 sir! 是,长官!
(选择01) Destination? 目的地是哪?
(选择02) Identify target! 目标确定!
(选择03) Orders sir! 命令,老大?
(行动00) Move it! 前进
(行动01) Proceeding'. 有进展了
(行动02) Delighted to, sir! 我很高兴,老大
(行动03) Absolutely! 绝对!
(出场00) SCV, good to go, sir. SCV可以开工了
(Err00) I can't build it, something's in the way. 我没法在这建,有东西挡道
(Err01) I can't build there. 我没法在这建
(Min00) (采矿1)
(Min01) (采矿2)
(闲聊00) Come again, Captain? 队长,再来一遍!
(闲聊01) I'm not reading' you clearly. 我不能听清楚你说什么。
(闲聊02) You aren’t from around here, are you? 你没必要在这逛游,不是吗?
(闲聊03) I can't believe they put me in one of these things! 我没法相信他们把我放进了这么一堆东西里
(闲聊04) And now I go put up with this too? 我现在是否要把它们收拾起来?
(闲聊05) I told them I was claustrophobic, I go get out here! 我告诉他们我有幽闭症,我必须出去!
(闲聊06) I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight. 我在这里比青蛙在西瓜子里还要挤
(Tra00) ?
(出场00) Can I take your order? 我能得到你的命令吗?
(闲聊00) When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful. 拿你头上的行李时请注意
(闲聊01) In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device. 由于要在水上降落,你可能要被当作漂浮装置
(闲聊02) To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you. 为了减重,请服下前面的催吐剂,然后吐到外面!
(闲聊03) Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop. 停稳之前请不要把胳膊或腿伸到外面去。
(选择00) Go ahead, HQ. 正在前进,司令部
(选择01) I'm listening'. 我正在听
(选择02) Destination? 目的地?
(选择03) Input coordinates. 输入坐标
(行动00) In the pipe, five by five. 在机舱里五人一组
(行动01) Hang on, we're in for some chop. 把稳,前方有气流!
(行动02) In transit, HQ. 正在运输,司令部。
(行动03) Buckle up! 系上安全带
(行动04) Strap yourselves in boys! 把你们绑紧,小子们
(行动05) I copy that. 收到!
(出场00) Wraith awaiting launch orders. 幽灵战机等待起飞
(闲聊00) Last transmission breaking' up...come back... 上次起飞没成功,再来一遍
(闲聊01) I'm just curious...why am I so good? 我只是好奇我为什么这么棒?
(闲聊02) I go get me one of these. 我必须得到其中之一
(闲聊03) You know who the best star fighter in the fleet is? 你知道舰队王牌飞行员是谁吧?
(闲聊04) Yours truly. 的确是你的
(闲聊05) Everybody go die sometime, Red. 每个人早晚得死,是吧?
(闲聊06) I am the invincible, that's right. 我是无敌的,太对了
(选择00) Go ahead commander. 正在前进,总部
(选择01) Transmit coordinates. 传给我坐标
(选择02) Standing' by. 待命
(选择03) Reporting in. 报告
(行动00) Coordinates received. 收到坐标
(行动01) Ack formation. 编队打击!
(行动02) Roger. 收到!
(行动03) Vector locked-in. 锁定无线电信号
(出场00) Battlecruiser operational. 大和舰准备完毕
(闲聊00) Identify yourself! 认识你自己!
(闲聊01) Shields up! Weapons online! 装甲、武器,准备好!
(闲聊02) Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up! 没有盔甲?那好,系上安全带
(闲聊03) We are getting WAY behind schedule. 我们的进度拉得太远了
(闲聊04) I really have to go...number one. 我的确得争第一
(选择00) Battlecruiser reporting. 大和舰报告
(选择01) Receiving transmission. 收到!
(选择02) Good day, commander. 你好,指挥官!
(选择03) Hailing frequencies open. 随时敬礼
(Yam01) (大和炮1)
(Yam02) (大和炮2)
(行动00) Make it happen. 使它发生
(行动01) Set a course. 定一个路线
(行动02) Take it slow. 慢点
(行动03) Engage! 明白!
Science Vessel
(出场00) Explorer reporting. 探险船报告
(闲聊00) I like the cut of your jib! 我喜欢你胳膊上的伤口
(闲聊01) E=MC...d'oh let me get my note. E=MC...?哦,我得准备个笔记本
(闲聊02) Ah, fusion, eh? I'll have to remember that. 啊,融化,嗯?我得记下
(闲聊03) Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free? 谁把实验室里的猴子放出来的?
(闲聊04) I think we may have a gas leak! 我想我们可能漏气了!
(闲聊05) Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption? 你们这些笨蛋知道怎么把这个垃圾机器关掉吗?
(闲聊06) Ah...the ship.... out of danger? 啊,脱离危险了
(选择00) Ah, greetings command! 啊,老大好
(选择01) Transmit orders. 发射命令!
(选择02) Receiving headquarters! 收到,总部!
(选择03) We have you on visual. 我们得让你现形
(行动00) Let's roll! 大家摇滚吧!
(行动01) Excellent! 非常棒!
(行动02) Commencing! 开始吧。
(行动03) Affirmative, sir. 同意,老大.
(出场00) Prepped and ready! 准备完毕
(闲聊00) I've already checked you out commander. 我已经把你查出来了,指挥官
(闲聊01) You want another physical? 你想要另一个身体?
(闲聊02) Turn your head an cough. 咳一下
(闲聊03) Ready for your sponge bath? 准备好纱布浴了吗?
(闲聊04) His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat! 他的心跳很弱,给我起搏器!
(闲聊05) Clear! (bzzz)明白
(闲聊06) He's dead, Jim. 吉姆,他死了!
(选择00) Need medical attention? 需要医护吗?
(选择01) Did someone page me? 有人叫我吗?
(选择02) State the nature of your medical emergency! 陈述一下你的紧急救护方法
(选择03) Where does it hurt? 哪疼?
(行动00) Right away! 马上!
(行动01) Stat! 立刻!
(行动02) I'm on the job! 我在工作!
(行动03) On my way. 在路上
(出场00) Valkyrie preed. Valkyrie 准备好了
(闲聊00) This is very interesting...but stupid. 这很好玩,就是傻了点
(闲聊01) I have ways of blowing things up. 我有把东西弄炸的方法
(闲聊02) You're being very naughty. 你越来越淘气了
(闲聊03) Who's your mommy? 你妈妈是谁?
(闲聊04) Blucher! (德语)
(闲聊05) (horses neighing) (马叫)
(选择00) Need something destroyed? 想干掉一些东西吗?
(选择01) I am eager to help. 我渴望帮助
(选择02) Don't keep me waiting. 别让我再等了!
(选择03) Achtung! (德语)注意
(行动00) Of course, mein heir. 当然, mein heir.(德文)
(行动01) Perfect! 完美
(行动02) It's showtime! 现在是"秀"时间
(行动03) Jawoll! (德语)好的
(行动04) Achtung! (德语)注意
(Err00) Not enough minerals. 没有矿了
(Err01) Insufficient vespene gas. 瓦斯不够
(Err02) Additional supply depots required. 需要更多的食堂
(Err03) Landing sequence interrupted. 着陆顺序不对
(Err04) Inacceptable landing zone. 着陆点不对
(Err06) Not enough energy. 能量不够
(Upd00) Base is under ack. 基地遭受攻击
(Upd01) Your forces are under ack. 你的部队正在遭受攻击
(Upd02) Research complete. 研究完成
(Upd03) Add-on complete. 附加建筑完成
(UPD04) Nuclear launch detected. 监测到核打击
(UPD05) Abandoning auxilorary structure. 建筑被污染
(UPD06) Upgrade complete. 升级完成
(Upd07) Nuclear missile ready. 核弹完毕!
(出场00) My life for Aiur! 我为Aiur而生!
(闲聊00) En Taro Adun! (神族语)
(闲聊01) All for the Empire! 一切为了帝国!
(闲聊02) Doom to all who threaten the homeworld. 如果谁威胁到了家园,厄运就会降临!
(选择00) What now calls? 现在做什么?
(选择01) Issah'Tu!(神族语)
(选择02) I long for combat! 我久盼战斗!
(选择03) G'hous! (神族语)
(行动00) Gau'gurah! (神族语)
(行动01) Thus I serve! 所以我服务
(行动02) Honor guide me! 荣誉指引着我
(行动03) For Adun! 为了 Adun!
(出场00) I have returned. 我又卷土重来了!
(闲聊00) Unauthorized transmission. 不合法的信号
(闲聊01) Incorrect protocol. 协议不对!
(闲聊02) (BEEP)Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. "嘟嘟"放下武器. 你有十五秒钟时间
(闲聊03) 5,4,3,2,1 (fire)5,4,3,2,1 "开火"
(选择00) Receiving. 收到!
(选择01) Awaiting instructions. 等待重建
(选择02) Transmit.传输信号
(选择03) Input command. 输入命令
(选择04) Glah'sos(神族语)
(选择05) Cah'karadahs(神族语)
(选择06) Make use of me. 发挥我的作用
(选择07) I am needed. 我是必需的
(行动00) Confirmed. 确认
(行动01) Initiating. 初始化!
(行动02) Loch'tide(神族语)
(行动03) Meto'rah (神族语)
(行动04) Commencing. 开始
(行动05) Nagat'soon (神族语)
(行动06) For vengeance. 为了复仇
High Templar
(出场00) Hasah-hurditum-hari! (神族语)
(闲聊00) Your thoughts betray you. 你的思想背叛了你!
(闲聊01) I see you have an appetite for destruction. 我发现你对毁灭很感兴趣
(闲聊02) And you learn to use your illusion. 试着去使用你的幻想
(闲聊03) But I find your lack of control disturbing. 但我发现你没法违背命令!
(选择00) Your thoughts? 你的想法?
(选择01) Saragh'ha! (神族语)
(选择02) I heed thy call. 我需要你的召唤
(选择03) State thy bidding. 言汝之命
(行动00) You think as I do. 你的想法就是我的做法
(行动01) It shall be done. 它应该完成了
(行动02) My path is set. 我的路径被设定了
(行动03) Ee'tahk (神族语)
(出场00) The merging is complete! 合成完毕!
(闲聊00) It all looks so different on this side. 这样看什么都不一样了
(闲聊01) Break on through! 思想崩溃!
(闲聊02) It's beautiful! 太美了!
(闲聊03) They should have sent a poet. 他们应该送来一位诗人
(选择00) We burn! 我们燃烧着!
(选择01) We need focus! 我们需要目标!
(选择02) Thorasoh'cahp (神族语)
(选择03) Power overwhelming. 力量无限!
(行动00) Destroy! 毁灭!
(行动01) Annihilate! 消灭!
(行动02) Obliterate! 抹去!
(行动03) Eradicate! 除去!
(出场00) Teleport successful. 心灵运输成功!
(闲聊00) Signal unstable. 信号不稳定
(闲聊01) Psionic Link dissipating. 心灵连接失效了?
(闲聊02) Adjusting neural transmission. 调整心灵信号
(闲聊03) (后退)
(闲聊04) ...reengaged(神族语)
(选择00) Awaiting command. 等候命令
(选择01) Standing by. 待命
(选择02) Contact. 联系
(选择03) Cho'gal (神族语)
(行动00) Chaos混乱!
(行动01) Koh'rahk(神族语)
(行动02) ...acknowledged明白
(行动03) It will be done. 马上完成
(出场00) Warp field stabilized. 时空扭曲很稳定
(闲聊00) We sense a soul in search of answers. 在寻找答案时,我们才能感受到灵魂
(闲聊01) Do you seek knowledge of time travel? 你有关于时间旅行的知识吗?
(闲聊02) We'll take that as a 行动. 我们将会同意
(闲聊03) And now for your first lesson. Hahaha. 现在开始第一课,哈哈哈
(闲聊04) Do you seek knowledge of time travel? 你有关于时间旅行的知识吗?
(选择00) We feel your presence. 我们感受到了你的存在
(选择01) Duras. 多长时间?
(选择02) Gun Adun向 Adun进发
(选择03) We are vigilant. 我们很警惕
(行动00) In Khast'meen(神族语)
(行动01) Jepahca'zoen(神族语)
(行动02) Gowron. (神族语)
(出场00) Carrier has arrived! 航母到位!
(闲聊00) Our enemies are legion! 敌人太多了!
(闲聊01) And still you procrastinate!? 你仍然在耽误时间
(闲聊02) Command, or you will be relieved! 发命令吧,你会放心的
(闲聊03) This is not an idle threat! 这不是无聊的恐吓
(选择00) Instructions. 指令
(选择01) Your command? 你的命令
(选择02) Loh'Klahs(神族语)
(选择03) Ischk'nu? (神族语)
(行动00) Commencing. 准备好了
(行动01) Kokal'tulah(神族语)
(行动02) Gau'ju(神族语)
(行动03) Affirmative. 同意
(闲聊00) I sense a soul in search of answers. 在寻找答案时我感受到了灵魂
(闲聊01) It sounds like...a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom!它听起来像一个巨大的、庞大的、浮肿的、膨胀的蘑菇
(闲聊02) One small step for man, one giant...(static) STOP POKING ME!!! 对于一个人是一小步,对整个人类是一大....别扎我!!!
(wi闲聊03) (电影)
(wi闲聊04) Warcraft zwei, jetzt als Exklusivedition mit dem Expansion
Set...4 Boostern und Zauberlehrbuch (德语)
Dark Templar
(出场00) Adun Toridas! (神族语)
(闲聊00) Your taunts are inadvised, Templar. 没法赞同你的污辱,祭司
(闲聊01) Do not provoke me to violence. 你想让我暴动吗???
(闲聊02) You can no more evade my wrath... 你没法逃避我的愤怒!
(闲聊03) ...Than you could your own shadow. 与你相比,我像你的影子一样无形
(选择00) 行动? 是?
(选择01) Zerashk gulida! (神族语)
(选择02) I'm waiting. 我正在等待
(选择03) Neraz Gulio. (神族语)
(行动00) For Aiur. 为了Aiur.
(行动01) Ner'mah! (神族语)
(行动02) So be it. 那么就成为它吧
(行动03) Very well. 非常棒
(出场00) It is a good day to die! 今天是去死的好日子
(闲聊00) Look at all the pretty lights! 看看那些漂亮的灯
(闲聊01) I wonder what this button does. 我想知道这个按钮是干吗的
(闲聊02) (BEEP) I think this was a BIG mistake. 我想这是一个大错误
(闲聊03) (唱歌1)
(闲聊04) (唱歌2)
(闲聊05) Zefram Cochrane, is that you? Zefram Cochrane,是你吗?
(闲聊06) What did you do to your hair? 你怎么弄你的头发???
(选择00) Ready for battle! 准备战斗
(选择01) May I be of service? 我需要服役吗?
(选择02) I stand ready. 准备完毕
(选择03) Let us ack. 我们一起攻击吧
(行动00) Excellent! 非常棒
(行动01) Adun Toridas! (神族语)
(行动02) Ah, at last! 啊,终于
(行动03) I thought you'd see it my way. 我想你一定知道它在我的路上。
Dark Archon
(出场00) We are as one! 我们如同一人
(闲聊00) Must consume. 必须毁灭.
(闲聊01) Or oblivion will take us. 否则我们将被遗忘
(闲聊02) Adun, save me. Adun, 救救我!
(闲聊03) Darkness overpowering! 黑暗不可抗拒!
(选择00) Must have energy! 必须有力量
(选择01) We hear you. 我们听见你啦
(选择02) Thoughts in chaos! 在混乱中思考
(选择03) Must feed! 必须喂食
(行动00) We'll go. 我们走
(行动01) Oblivion awaits! 等待赦免
(行动02) We move! 我们移动
(行动03) (呻吟)
(Err00) You've not enough minerals. 你没有足够的矿石了
(Err01) You require more vespene gas. 你需要更多瓦斯
(Err02) You must construct additional pylons. 你必须建更多的能源塔
(Err06) Not enough energy. 能量不足
(Upd00) We are under ack! 正在遭受攻击
(Upd01) Your warriors have engaged the enemy. 你的战士遇到了敌人
(Upd02) Research complete. 研究完成
(Upd04) Nuclear launch detected. 监测到核打击
(Upd06) Upgrade complete. 升级完成
生化自爆人 Infested Terran
(出场00) Live for the Swarm! 为群体而生
(闲聊00) I am wretched. 我是肮脏的
(闲聊01) But I am strong! 但我很强壮!
(闲聊02) I am the future. 我就是未来
(闲聊03) I am Zerg! 我属于虫族
(选择00) Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮
(选择01) Preed to die! 准备死啦
(选择02) Let me serve! 让我牺牲
(选择03) Sacrifice me! 用我献祭吧
(行动00) 行动! 是
(行动01) Immediately. 马上
(行动02) Gladly! 非常高兴
(行动03) For the Overmind! 为了 Overmind!
(Err00) We require more minerals. 我们需要更多的矿
(Err01) We require more vespene gas. 我们需要更多瓦斯
(Err02) Spawn more overlords. 孵化更多宿主
(Err06) Not enough energy. 没有能量了
(Upd00) The hive cluster is under ack. 蜂房遭受攻击
(Upd01) Our forces are under ack. 我们的部队遭受攻击
(Upd02) Evolution complete. 进化完成
(Upd04) Nuclear launch detected. 监测到核打击