monster life,exo九人成就?
2005年, 张艺兴参加湖南经视《明星学院》比赛并获得总决赛季军。2008年,通过S.M. Casting System在中国的选拔成为韩国SM公司旗下练习生。2012年4月,以EXO团体和其子队EXO-M成员身份正式出道。2015年4月8日,张艺兴在中国成立个人工作室。
5月,因加盟励志体验真人秀节目《极限挑战》而受到广泛关注。2016年6月,凭借爱情喜剧片《前任2:备胎反击战》获得第四届中英电影节最佳男配角奖。同年,发行个人首张创作专辑《LOSE CONTROL》并凭借其获得音悦V榜年度盛典年度专辑、内地最佳男歌手两项奖项。
2017年10月,发行第二张个人专辑《SHEEP》 。同年,凭借战争片《建军大业》提名第9届澳门国际电影节最佳男配角奖。2018年1月,参加爱奇艺综艺节目《偶像练习生》。2018年4月30日,获“五四优秀青年演员”称号。
朴灿烈(Park Chan Yeol),1992年11月27日出生于韩国首尔,歌手、演员,男子演唱组合EXO成员。
都暻秀,1993年1月12日出生于韩国日山,韩国歌手、演员。2010年参加京畿道青年歌谣祭获奖,并通过S.M. Casting System进入SM公司。

长相【长得帅的都是欧巴边伯贤真的很好看 但不是官方门面(我给我室友安利过EXO 都会觉得边伯贤好看 但是会更喜欢pcy和osh 边伯贤是有一点下垂眼 所以不化眼妆的时候就是犬系 懵懵的 就像邻家的帅哥哥 仰望却又不会有遥远的感觉
这种我都叫他甜系伯贤然后画了眼妆后 瞬间变得有攻击性
盐系伯贤盐甜兼备 有反差才会显得更迷人边伯贤真的是一个因为眼妆和美瞳上了无数次热搜的男子样貌的可塑性真的很强 眼妆消化能力很好手很好看【我不是颜控,但是我手控
毫无ps的直播截图2⃣️实力好【爱豆有实力粉丝才不会尬吹边伯贤空降出道 定位主唱虽然练习时间很短 但是并没有什么是拖后腿的出道一年后(130814)韩国VS米鲁国家代表热身赛公演时,作为韩国代表领唱国歌,韩国国内引起好评,也迅速登上naver热搜一位【】在满是人的足球场,不卑不亢的按照自己的步调演唱,心里素质和控场能力真的很好
边伯贤的音色其实和都敬秀有些相似但边伯贤演唱技巧真的是非常非常好(我以前是学美声,一直学到高三,虽然对流行唱法不是那么那么了解,但感觉应该有异曲同工之妙,现在很久不唱也忘了很多,也不太会分析,这个部分大家就随便看看吧)气息特别稳,肺活量大而且出气量均匀,发音位置靠前,高音时头腔共鸣、鼻腔共鸣的运用,使高音上去了,又不显得突兀中音的口腔共鸣很大的突出了伯贤的音色。然后音准真的真的非常好,边伯贤小时候的钢琴真不是白学的,转音非常非常漂亮,真假音切换也做的非常好【任你依靠 (建议用一副稍微好一点的耳机 安静的环境下认真听发音、气息和真假音切换】边伯贤高音真的很好听 14年耳帝就给予了很高的评价
【】这还是13年的视频边伯贤除了唱歌技巧以外 还有一个特别大的优点!!!感情!!!这不是那么好训练出来的(我以前就因为感情不到位被骂了好多年……)【网剧OST beautiful 有一种伯贤在向你告白、很甜蜜的感情】【合作曲rain 伯贤和昭宥小姐姐两个人真的感情炸裂 下雨天心情不好的时候听会哭的】【合作曲dream 其实不太想推荐这首,虽然音源成绩更好 但两个人的感情不太一样 不过也很甜蜜了 这是16年金唱片的现场开麦 因为边伯贤很少有现场 所以很喜欢这个视频】最后私心推一个很表现边伯贤音色的视频【朴振英的party people 首尔的月亮】
3⃣️努力【努力是生存之道边伯贤因为空降出道,练习时间最短 所以刚开始舞蹈不是那么好 但也没有拖后腿 想来当时应该发了疯一样的练习了然后三巡的时候沈大神!!建议伯贤做个舞蹈solo舞台(就是脱衣服那个,谢谢沈大神)可以看出边伯贤舞蹈进步非常大,至少得到了沈大神的认可【三巡monster】动作干净利落 卡拍很准 【前夜Focus】重点在副歌部分 在都敬秀后面那段舞蹈的神情 虽然站在后面 但真的超级吸人眼球
现场边伯贤现场跟吃了cd一样 唱跳都超级稳 尤其monster的舞台 舞蹈强度很大 但是稳得不行【16年MAMA颁奖礼表演】
4⃣️有趣的性格边伯贤队内艺能感最好这个没有异议了吧这段时间都在追the unit和mixnine这几个生存秀 加上之前的202 你会发现在南韩这么一个全民出道的国家 有实力的组合真的不少啊 有实力的人真的不少 但因为性格上也许没那么有趣 组合不火或者队内人气不高边伯贤很有趣 看这次回归的认哥就知道了 全队唯一一个可以自主抛梗接梗的人【】 master key伯贤上场后寿根叔都说 现在的构成是很好的 是搞笑的
边伯贤上的第一期mk 平均收视一部2.4 二部3.3全集最高实时收视是边伯贤声带模仿6.9边伯贤的有趣吧 不同于gapman的那种夸张 而是自己独有了sence 一些小细节体现幽默 语言魔术师 总是能创造出一些搞笑效果的新词汇 比如gappsong之类的只是边伯贤的综艺行程真的太少了 哥哥说想试一下固定综艺 希望sm能满足一下他!!!然后很有分寸、很有眼色,开玩笑知道适可而止,不会引人厌烦的类型
很有反转魅力 以前一直觉得边伯贤很弱小(看着真的很有保护欲)结果看我们小区的艺能体的时候 哥哥的合气道真的man爆了【】边伯贤185大总攻!!!
5⃣️佛系爱豆边伯贤真的性格很好 很善良 又不争不抢
边伯贤之前自黑自己话很多但上综艺仔细观察会发现 他话确实多 但大部分都是在cue队友 给队友放松分量(这点我总是想到希大和刘大神)队友的性格真的是 如果边伯贤、mc不cue 可能整集都不说话 然后之前什么演唱会好像还把for life的歌词让了一句给没有歌词的世勋(边伯贤也只有四句)6⃣️真的对粉丝很好追星吧虽然看起来是个粉丝单方面付出的事 但边伯贤很多行为真的让粉丝很感动啊 觉得我不是在一厢情愿的付出 哥哥可以看到我们的
合照别人都比✌️ 边伯贤暗戳戳cue粉丝爱丽傻瓜呀爱丽傻瓜在朴振英的party people上说idol和artist本不应该有区别……不要随便骂人脑残粉……【】真的很善良啊下班后开手机灯和粉丝挥手、把手臂支出来挥手私人休假遇到私生饭 也只是很温柔的在ins上劝说粉丝给他一些空间没有怼粉、甚至没有一点发脾气的语气粉丝扔东西到舞台上打到伯贤后 他并没有发脾气 也没有摆脸色只是开玩笑似的装疼或者对粉丝撒娇的笑他只是知道粉丝都是喜欢才扔东西上去的(但是希望以后大家真的不要这样 伤到人就不好了)
会给粉丝撒娇 会问粉丝过的好不好(不好、没有边伯贤的日子快过不下去了)他的ins更新不多,在一个韩国爱豆ins粉丝数top10里,他的ins是更新得最少的,微博....就当它不存在吧.....之前一直播搜集问题的时候,很多人会问边伯贤什么时候更新微博,贤骑们看到都会劝删,因为不希望成为他的负担,不要当成任务希望他是随心意更新,把我们当作朋友一样,分享他想分享的。也希望以后大家向伯贤表达喜欢和想念之情就好,不要催他更博、更ins,谢谢
衣服上不要种族歧视的含义边伯贤虽然爱开玩笑,但从来不信口开河他说的很多都应验了四辑前的直播,他开玩笑的说参与了创作,大概就三个字。私下来我们讨论就说:边伯贤不是随便说的性格,应该是真参与了制作歌曲出来后作词人上有着边伯贤的名字回归后他说想尝试一下OST 然后演唱了日剧的ost【】说想尝试下演技,出演了步步惊心丽前几年不管怎么问,边伯贤总说没有solo还没有考虑过 TT今年!!终于说solo也希望试一下,综艺也希望试一下(sm!!!赶紧放边伯贤solo!!赶紧让边伯贤固定综艺!!)8⃣️从旁人角度看边伯贤边伯贤从出道到现在公司给的资源不多 很多都是外面找上来的 但合作了很多前辈基本合作过的工作人员、前辈对边伯贤都是夸赞
Michael Angarano as William Theodore "Will" Stronghold: a freshman at Sky High. His parents are the two most famous superheroes-Commander and Jetstream-of the day. It is not revealed that he has superpowers until later on in the movie.He has both super human strength and flight. His signature colours are red and blue (symbolising his patriotism).
Danielle Panabaker as Layla Williams: Will's best friend who has the power of plant manipulation; they have been best friends since childhood. She is a pacifist and a vegetarian and is florakinetic. Her signature colour is green (in keeping with her power).
Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Gwen Grayson:[1][2] a senior at Sky High; Will has a crush on her. She is the main antagonist of the film. Her power is technopathy. Winstead said of her role, "I bounced around. I was either the hero of the sidekicks or the sidekick to the heroes."[3] Her signature colour is pink.
Steven Strait as Warren Peace: the son of an unnamed superheroine and a supervillain known as Baron Battle (who is mentioned to be in jail with several life sentences). He is pyrokinetic, meaning he can control and manipulate fire. His signature colours are red and black.
Dee Jay Daniels as Ethan: A Hero Support who is friends with Will, he can melt into a small orange puddle (which earned him the nickname "Popsicle"). His signature colour is orange.
Kelly Vitz as Magenta/Maj: Will's friend whose ability is to shapeshift into a guinea pig complete with purple highlights/streaks in her fur. Her signature colour is pinky-purple.
Nicholas Braun as Zach Braun/Zack Attack: Will's spacey friend, who has the ability to glow in the dark. He always wears white/fluorescent colours.
Malika Haqq and Khadijah Haqq as Penny: Gwen's best friend, who can duplicate herself and is therefore the entire cheerleading team. Her power is known as duplication. Her signature colour is also orange.
Jake Sandvig as Lash and Will Harris as Speed: the resident bullies at Sky High. Lash is skinny, and can stretch his body parts, while Speed is overweight yet can run extremely fast. Their powers are elasticity and superhuman speed. The signature colour for both is black.
Angarano was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Doreen and Michael Angarano.[1] He is of Italian descent;[2] he has two younger siblings, Erica and Andrew, and an older sister, Kristen. His family owns and operates four successful dance studios in New York and LA called Reflections in Dance, where Doreen directs and teaches, Kristen teaches and Erica dances.[3] Angarano graduated from Crespi Carmelite High School in 2005 and currently lives in Los Angeles
[edit] Career
In 2000, Angarano had a small role as the young William in the critically acclaimed film Almost Famous. His first major film role was in 2002's Little Secrets, opposite Evan Rachel Wood and David Gallagher. In 2004, he appeared in the movie version of the critically acclaimed novel Speak, which costarred Kristen Stewart. Angarano was the lead role in Sky High and had a major role in Lords of Dogtown, both of which were released in the summer of 2005. Other film roles include parts in The Bondage, Black Irish, Man in the Chair, Snow Angels, The Final Season, and his most recent, The Forbidden Kingdom, co-starring alongside Jackie Chan and Jet Li.
Panabaker was born in Augusta, Georgia,[1] to Donna and Harold Panabaker. Her younger sister Kay Panabaker is also an actress. Panabaker took a theater class at a summer camp and discovered her enjoyment in acting, so she started acting in community theaters at the age of 12, later auditioning for commercials. After moving to Naperville, Illinois, Panabaker went to Crone Middle School and later Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville and participated in the speech team. Later, feeling it was the only way to land acting roles regularly, Panabaker relocated to Los Angeles, California in order to pursue an acting career. In 2005, she earned her associate's degree and appeared on the National Dean's List. In the fall of 2006 she began her senior year at the University of California, Los Angeles, from which she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in June 2007.
[edit] Career
Panabaker followed her initial appearances in commercials with roles in television, including a part in the series, The Guardian (for which she won a Young Artist Award), as well as other television series including Malcolm in the Middle, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Summerland, and the Disney Channel Original Movie Stuck in the Suburbs. She has also appeared in the Lifetime Television productions Sex and the Single Mom and Mom at Sixteen, as well as the well-reviewed miniseries Empire Falls. In addition, Panabaker also appeared in stage productions with roles in musical theater, including West Side Story, Pippin, Once Upon A Time, and Beauty Lou and the Country Beast. In 2005, Panabaker co-starred in two widely released theatrical films, Sky High and Yours, Mine and Ours. Her next role will be in the film Home of the Giants, opposite Ryan Merriman and Haley Joel Osment. She also had a supporting role in the film Mr. Brooks opposite Kevin Costner. In the Disney Channel original movie Read It and Weep, she plays "Is", an alternate version of Jamie, who is played by her sister Kay. Panabaker was added to the cast of the CBS television drama pilot Shark, as "Julie Stark", the main character's daughter. She now has a regular role in the series.[2] Danielle has recently been cast as Jenna, a main character of the much anticipated Friday the 13th remake along with Jared Padalecki.[3] Another film in the future for the young starlet is Renaissance Girl, in which she'll co-star with Jennifer Tilly. Danielle attended Glendale Community College (California) to study acting.
Winstead was born in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, the daughter of Betty Lou (née Knight) and James Ronald Winstead. When she was five, her family moved to Sandy, Utah, a Salt Lake City suburb. Her interest in performing art also began to emerge with interests in ballet and acting. As a child, Winstead appeared in the Mountain West Ballet's version of The Nutcracker. Hoping to become a ballerina, at the age of eleven, she received the opportunity to study dance in a summer program of the prestigious Joffrey Ballet School in New York City. There, she studied ballet and jazz dance, but decided to also study acting. Winstead ended up appearing on Broadway during Donny Osmond’s successful run of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. She was also a member of the International Children's Choir during her youth and honed her skills performing at her church.
[edit] Career
[edit] Early work (1997–2004)
She began her acting career in the late 1990s, guest starring in episodes of the CBS dramas Touched by an Angel and Promised Land, before being cast as Jessica Bennett in the NBC soap opera Passions, a role she played from 1999 to 2000. She subsequently appeared in the short-lived CBS drama series Wolf Lake (2001-2002), and in the made-for-television film Monster Island (2002).
[edit] Mainstream success (2005–2006)
Trying her hand at comedy, she went the independent film route as the Jewish daughter of a large, zany family in the indie feature Checking Out, but her screen time fared better in the more mainstream Walt Disney Pictures confection Sky High, which was both financially and critically successful. She starred as Gwen Grayson, the in-disguise alter ego of the supervillain Royal Pain.
Winstead at the 2006 Comic-Con International, promoting the film Grindhouse.After the exposure Sky High provided, 2006 saw her forge a professional relationship with the creative team of James Wong and Glen Morgan, formerly best known for their memorable contributions to The X-Files. She and her co-star, Ryan Merriman, landed in the path of the grim reaper’s master plan in Final Destination 3. She had failed to land a part in the second film in the trilogy, but found her place in the third installment, which to this day is the most successful of the trilogy. Morgan and Wong wanted to collaborate with her again and convinced her to appear in their sorority slasher Black Christmas. The film, however, failed with critics and viewers. One day, she inadvertently received a chance to lampoon horror scream queens when The Tonight Show host Jay Leno, unaware of who she was, knocked on her front door and included her in a comedy segment spoofing horror movies.
The same year, she appeared in Emilio Estevez's Bobby, a valentine to the politics and morals of Robert F. Kennedy, which drew moderate critical attention, and became a minor box office success. The film's cast included Laurence Fishburne, Anthony Hopkins, Ashton Kutcher, William H. Macy, Demi Moore, and Sharon Stone, but most of her scenes were with Shia LaBeouf and Brian Geraghty. She and her co-stars were nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Cast in a Motion Picture.
[edit] Recent work (2007–present)
In 2007, she appeared in a pair of high-profile event films. Quentin Tarantino cast her as a well-intentioned but vapid and naïve actress in his high-speed segment of Grindhouse called Death Proof, his half of a double-billed feature. The film failed to produce ticket sales, but drew critical acclaim. Death Proof is also the second film to feature both Winstead and Kurt Russell. The same summer, hot off the heels of its release, Winstead received another shot at action as Lucy McClane in Live Free or Die Hard co-starring Bruce Willis. The film earned over $130 million domestically and drew excellent reviews, making it the highest grossing film that features Winstead.
She has recently screen tested for the role of Wonder Woman in the film adaption of Justice League.[1]
She starred in Make it Happen, a dance film. The film went straight to DVD in the US, and gained a small collection in the UK, which eventually led to its financial failure. It was also announced on May 16, 2008, that Winstead would co-star opposite Michael Cera in forthcoming comic-book adaptation Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.[2] Filming is due to start in early March 2009.
Strait was born and raised in Greenwich Village, New York City, New York. He attended Xavier High School and took classes at the Stella Adler Studio of Acting. During his teen years, Strait modeled for L'uomo Vogue, Spoon magazine, Details, Surface, Hollister Co., and Pop magazine, and worked with photographers Bruce Weber, Herb Ritts, and Ellen von Unwerth.[1] Weber featured Strait in his 2001 book, All-American: Short Stories.
[edit] Acting career
Strait began taking acting lessons at the age of eleven. In the sixth grade, he began to take performing classes at the Village Community School. Although forced into it at first, he found a passion for acting after he performed live for the first time. He has worked at the Stella Adler Acting Studio and the Black Nexxus Acting Studio in New York City.
In 2004, he moved to California to pursue a career in acting. After his first audition he received an acting job, and in 2005, he debuted in his first movie, Sky High where he played a teenage superhero named Warren Peace. He covered The Fixx song "One Thing Leads to Another" for the film's soundtrack.
His next movie appearance was alongside Ashlee Simpson (in her movie debut) and Pell James in Undiscovered, a movie about young actors in the entertainment industry who want to become stars. In 2006 he starred as Caleb Danvers in The Covenant, a horror/thriller film which opened on September 8, 2006. Strait appeared opposite Camilla Belle in 10,000 BC, a film about prehistoric Earth, released in March 2008. He plays a young mammoth hunter D'Leh as he travels through unknown lands on a quest to rescue his people from slavery.
He appeared in the 2008 movie Stop-Loss as Michael Colson.
[edit] Personal
In 2006, Strait started dating Lynn Collins. In 2008, Steven Strait announced their engagement. Later, in March 2008, Strait announced they were married in an edition of GQ
1.Firefly(Ateen 最好听的曲子)
2.Five days
3.Dilemma Ft Kelly Rowland
4.Wonderful Tonight
6.How You Remind Me (蝎子乐队的经典曲子) without you (美国乐队 3 doors down 成名作)
8.fade to black (Metallica 乐队最著名的歌曲之一)
9.18 and life (英文好的请看着歌词听歌,感觉一下18岁)
10.Day Of Your Beliefs
11.Her mantle so green (前奏相当动听,呵)
12.For the Love of God (中国版本叫断翼天使,不过还是原版好听) luckygrass (个人比较喜欢的摇滚之一)
14.Don't you forget about me (听起来很清凉,很舒服.试试看.)
15..Missing you——Bbby Tinsley (非常喜欢的慢节奏R&B,单曲N遍)
16.e l'alba verrc——ania (是一首法国歌,能听到歌手的心)
17.whataya want from me——Adam Lambert(去搜搜找live版本的,比MV的赞)
18.liekkas——sofia jannok (最喜欢开始的那段)
19.over my head——sum41 (摇滚+劲爆。以前打球时常放这首)
20.snow——Andreea Balan (钢琴伴奏,男女合唱,旋律很好)
21.Johnny B——Down Low (这首绝对超赞!!听着就觉得声音还不够大,耳机还不够好。大声,再大声一点)
22.Khilaf——Ressa Herlambang (超喜欢这首歌,多亏了一个人人上的达人,在他地方找到的,绝对前5的歌曲)
一拳超人OP《THE HERO !! ~怒れる拳に火をつけろ~》
——今夜亚人类 亚人类 如狩猎的狼
Overlord OP《Clattanoia》
游戏人生OP《This game》
——鱼 好大的鱼 虎纹鲨鱼